Letter from the Head of Sixth Form (7th July 2020)
Dear students,
Another great week in the Sixth form, it was so nice to meet so many of our Year 11 students who have attended this school and our external students who will be joining us in September. We are inviting any students who couldn’t…
Letter from the Head of Sixth Form (17th June 2020)
Dear students,
I hope that you are well, we have lots of exciting opportunities to offer you during this period. We continue to work with our close partners at Deutsche Bank and Barclay’s bank and we are really excited to offer a series…
Letter from the Head of Sixth Form – 9th June 2020
Dear students,
I hope that you are all well and keeping yourself busy with all our transition materials. All of these materials can be found on this link https://www.mulberryacademyshoreditch.org/sixth-form-transition/ and on our google classroom.
Letter from the Head of Sixth Form (1st June 2020)
Dear students,
I hope that you are all well and enjoyed the sun over the half term break. Please continue to check the Academy Website which will give up to date information in relation to schools opening. We are planning Friday taster days…
Letter from the Head of Sixth Form 13.05.20
Dear students,
I hope that you are all getting on well this week and continue to stay safe. Following government announcements we are hoping to hold taster days before the end of the year. These taster days will celebrate the work of Year…
Letter from Head of Sixth Form
Dear Students,
I hope this letter finds you well we are thinking of you all and planning your transition into sixth form. Keeping in touch with you during this period of time is a key priority for the Academy. This week you will be receiving…
Letter to Sixth Form students
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Dear students,
I really hope that you managed to have a restful break over the Easter holiday period and that you and your families are well. I know now must be a very challenging and confusing time and you…
Letter to Year 11 students joining Sixth Form in September
Dear students of Year 11,
I hope you and your families are all well and are managing to stay safe during this challenging time. We are thinking of you all and eagerly await coming together as Year 12 in September.
We have developed…