The Academy Uniform Policy
Students are expected to wear the correct Mulberry Academy Shoreditch uniform both in the school and on the way to and from the school.
Compulsory items
- Mulberry Academy Shoreditch black blazer
- Black straight fit trousers in the same fabric as the blazer and/or black knee length or below school skirt in the same fabric as the blazer
- White shirt
- School House tie (this will be provided by the school)
- Smart black leather shoes or ankle boots (flat with black sole)
- Black tights or black/white socks
- Plain school bag that is large enough to carry books and A4 size folders such as a back pack or sports bag. No handbags are permitted.
- Plain, dark coloured waterproof outdoor jacket.
Optional items
- Mulberry Academy Shoreditch black V-neck jumper
- Black salwar kameez with purple school trim
- White Shirt
- Plain black jilbab/Burka with purple school trim
- Plain black head scarf, coloured trims or designs are not permitted
PE Kit
Compulsory Items
- School black short sleeved t-shirt or long Sleeved t-shirt
- Black shorts (plain)
- White socks
- Trainers
Optional Items:
- Black tracksuit bottoms
- School black track suit top
- Students are expected to be of a smart and sensible appearance. Hair must be worn in a style appropriate to a business environment.
- Razor cuts, shaved eyebrows or any shaven step/lines/pattern are not acceptable.
- Judgements on acceptability can only be made by staff at the school.
Stud earrings and a watch are permitted.
No other form of body piercing is allowed.
Jewellery must be removed before doing PE lessons
Make up (including nail varnish)
- No make-up may be worn
- Nail varnish, acrylic and false nails are not permitted
Items that are not permitted:
- Trainers apart from PE lessons
- Sportswear (outside of PE lessons)
- Caps/hats
- Hoodies
Other Information
- Coats must be removed on entering the building
- Shirts and ties should be worn appropriately, i.e. shirts must be tucked in and collars buttoned and ties worn neither too long nor too short
- A plain black woollen hat may be worn in the winter months only (not in the school building)
- Students must wear correct uniform on the way to and from the school
- The niqab is not part of the school uniform and should not be worn in the school or on school trips/Students may choose to wear the niqab in their daily journey to and from school as it is accepted they may wish to exercise this personal choice when not engaged in school activities.
We expect our culture of high expectations to be reflected in our students’ uniform. We ask that parents and carers support their child by ensuring that the correct uniform is purchased and worn by students. Should there be any questions about elements of the uniform, or if an expectation is unclear, we ask that parents and carers do not hesitate to contact their child’s Head of Year who will be happy to clarify the uniform policy.
The requirement for adherence to the school’s uniform will be reinforced by all staff at the school, both teaching and non-teaching. Staff at the school will ensure that when students enter the school grounds, they are in proper uniform. If students are not in full uniform, they will not be able to attend lessons. Students will be sent home to change and they will be expected to return to the school. Judgements on acceptability can only be made by staff at the school.
Bespoke school uniform items (blazer, tie, PE t-shirt, jumper, Shalwar Keemez) can be obtained from Khalsa Schoolwear or Ocean Designs Schoolwear Ltd at the addresses below.
All other uniform items can be obtained from other suppliers of your choice.
Khalsa Schoolwear, 388 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 0AH.
Ocean Designs Schoolwear Ltd, 10 Watney Market, London, E1 2PR.