Communications Cycle

We continue to build strong relationships with our parents/carers and the wider academy community. We regularly communicate with you in a number of ways including, telephone calls, letters, text messages, newsletters and across our social media channels.

With regards to the circulation of letters, whole school letters are published on our website to ensure immediate receipt and so that you can access them for future reference. We always signpost whole school letters to you via text messages. A range of letters are also posted directly to you, for example, letters informing you of parents’ evenings, subject specific information and details about trips/enrichment activities.

In an emergency, e.g. in the event of a school closure, please always visit the academy website for important updates and information that may affect your child. We will always do our best to communicate with you via other methods, e.g. text message, but this may not always be possible in an emergency situation.

If you have changed your address and/or contact number, it’s really important to let us know so that we have the most up to date information on file at all times. We do require all changes in writing, so please bring your details to the academy reception and speak to one of our staff who will be really pleased to help. We will also need proof of change of address.

Below is a Parent/Carer Communication Cycle providing you with an overview of how we will regularly communicate with you and details about how you can stay in touch with us.

How we will communicate with you:




Emergency notices, e.g. severe weather conditions

Details published on the website/social media channels. NB: Text messages may not always be possible, so please always check the website

As required

Whole school letters

Published on website. Signposted with a text message

As required

Specific letters home, e.g. trips, events etc.

Posted home. Followed by a text message when required/relevant

As required

Progress Reports

Student data report sent home

Termly (3 x per year)

Parents’ Evening

Letter posted home. Face to face appointment with subject teacher


School Newsletter

Published on website


Sixth Form Newsletter

Published on website



Regular updates including: Latest News, Letters to Parents and MAS Calendar

Updated regularly as required

Social media – X and Instagram

News, events, reminders and useful links published regularly

Updated regularly as required

Reminders/notices, e.g. Parents’ Evening reminder, late notice

Text message home

As required

How you can communicate with us:




Emailing the academy

Send email to

As required

Calling the academy

Call 020 7920 7900

As required

Messages to teachers/tutors

Notes in student planner

As required

Queries or concerns

Contact your child’s tutor in the first instance or a member of the pastoral team. Academy office staff will be able to advise on who best to contact for specific issues

As required

General views, comments and suggestions

Send email to

As required


See our Complaints Policy on the website for details

As required

© Copyright - Mulberry Academy Shoreditch