At Mulberry Academy Shoreditch we want all our students to feel safe so that they are able to thrive and achieve their potential free from harm.
The school now completes both an annual external and Local Authority audit to ensure that all safeguarding procedures are effective. The 2021 Tower Hamlets audit was successful and showed that the schools systems had consistently improved.
If you have any concerns about the safety of a student please report them immediately to a member of our safeguarding team. Email: or telephone 020 7920 7900 and speak to Joshua Mickelburgh or Kendra Healy.
You can download our Child Protection and Safeguarding policy here.
Click below to read information about how students can keep themselves and others safe and who to turn to if they feel unsafe or have concerns about others.
Safety Online
The internet is a wonderful resources but it’s crucial that it’s used properly. Young people need guidance and support on how to use the internet safely. MAS equips students with knowledge of e safety through curriculum time in both computer science lessons and personal, health, social, emotional and economic education sessions. Assemblies are delivered to students focusing on e safety and our Safer Schools Police Officer is always available to support students and parents and carers with regards to e safety education. We run e safety coffee mornings for parents to come in and learn about how to support young people in using the internet safely.
As a parent or carer it’s vital that you have regular conversations with your son or daughter about what he or she is doing on line. Ask them questions about what web sites they are visiting, do they know what to do if they come across something inappropriate on line, where would they go of help? Do they know how to report online abuse? Do they have appropriate privacy setting on all of the IT devices they are using (lap top, mobile phone, tablet)?
There are some very useful resources on line that can support you and your child in using the internet safely. If you have any concerns and require support please come along to one of the academy’s internet safety coffee mornings or contact the academy and ask to speak to a member of staff or PC Lambert.
Childnet for parents and carers
Childnet Know IT All for parents and carers
Facebook Family Safety Centre: Provides useful information and tips for parents and carers, teenagers and educators. These pages do not require a Facebook account in order to view them.
Child Protection
Josh Mickelburgh is the designated Senior Officer for Safeguarding.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Should you hear or see something that gives you cause for concern regarding the safety of a student, please report this immediately to one of the designated child protection personnel.
Safety from Radicalisation and Extremism
The link here explores why a young person might be drawn towards extremist ideas, how this might happen via the internet, through interaction with peers, the TV and other sources of media and how parents can support their young people to stay safe.
If you have any concerns that your child is being influenced by others please get help – talk to someone you can trust, perhaps your imam and extended family members.
If you feel there is a risk of your child leaving the country, consider what precautions you could take to prevent travel.
Anyone with concerns for the safety or well being of a young person should contact Children’s Social Care 24 hours a day on 02073645006.
If there is imminent threat of harm to others contact 999.
Educate Against Hate is a new website for parents, teachers and school leaders set up by the Department for Education and the Home Office. The website, launched at Mulberry Academy Shoreditch, will enable parents, teachers and school leaders to access useful resources that will help to protect children from radical views. Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, announced that the website offers advice on preventing extremism as part of a drive to protect children from the “spell of twisted ideologies”. The website can be accessed via this link
You can read our Prevent Policy here.
Say No to Bullying
All students have the right to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied. Bullying is anti social behaviour and it will not be tolerated at Mulberry Academy Shoreditch. To stop bullying it is vital that all incidents of bullying are reported to staff in school. If you are being bullied or you witness someone being bullied you must report it to your parents/carers, form tutor, Student Learning Manager or any adult you feel you can talk to. If you have worries or concerns click here to report them to a member of staff.
Crime Prevention
Our Safer Schools Police Officer, PC Lambert, supports the academy to:
- provide a safe and secure learning environment for all students and staff
- develop more positive relations between young people and the police and between young people and the wider community
- reduce the risk of young people getting drawn into crime or anti- social or extremist behaviour
You can speak to PC Turner if you feel affected by crime or any type of anti-social behaviour.
If you have any information to give about a crime, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111
Road Safety
If you would like to cycle to school or perhaps you already do, please take the time to read our guidance on cycle safety. All students are expected to cycle safely, wear a helmet and bring a lock to secure their bikes to the racks provided at school.
Cycle Safety
Whether you are a student, a member of staff or a visitor to Mulberry Academy Shoreditch, your safety is extremely important to us. Please cycle safe. Feel free to check out some of the links below to websites that offer safety guidance, Tower Hamlets cycle lane information and cycling courses available locally.
As a school we are keen to encourage our students to walk or cycle to school as part of a healthy lifestyle. If you choose to cycle, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- bring a lock so that you can secure your bike to the racks provided
- always wear a helmet when cycling
- never wear headphones or listen to music whilst cycling – you will not hear other, potentially dangerous road users
- lights and/or high visibility clothes are a must as it may be dark when you cycle home
- it is desirable that you have completed a cycle safety training course (see details below)
- cycle slowly and safely and use cycle lanes where possible
Cycle Racks
We have ample room for bikes both in the racks outside the main entrance and the covered area in the car park. The car park is kept locked throughout the day for added security.
Guidance, courses and websites.
Here are a few links to some useful websites regarding cycle safety and cycling in and around London. – Good for East London. A local cycling group in the East End of London, affiliated to the London Cycling Campaign. – London Cycling Campaign website. Campaigns for better cycling facilities, as well as supporting and promoting cycling to all Londoners. – the UK’s National Cyclists’ Organisation. Loads of advice, including guidance on the national standards for cycle training.
Report any online concerns to CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)