Letter from the Head of Sixth Form (7th July 2020)
Dear students,
Another great week in the Sixth form, it was so nice to meet so many of our Year 11 students who have attended this school and our external students who will be joining us in September. We are inviting any students who couldn’t attend to come in this Friday between 9-12.
It continues to busy in our preparation for September. Over the Summer a new sixth form block will be completed at the side of the sports hall, this is a really exciting learning area for our new year 12. The Sixth form team are busy developing our transition programme so that you are fully ready for study in sixth form. Furthermore, we are of course planning our Prom which will take place at the end of September.
We continue to have many exciting opportunities which will continue over the summer so do check the website regularly. Many of you participating in our online Barclay’s bank careers session this week. We also have a virtual mentoring project should you be interested in either of these programmes please email awallace@mulberryschoolstrust.org
Many of you picked up transition materials in school but if you were not able to come in or would like electronic copies these can all be found on this link.
Remember to regularly check our sixth form page you can find out information related to all our courses and the Scholarship for £500 which all students are eligible to apply for.
Keep well, keep safe and keep in touch
Kind regards
Ms Wallace