Letter to Year 11 students joining Sixth Form in September
Dear students of Year 11,
I hope you and your families are all well and are managing to stay safe during this challenging time. We are thinking of you all and eagerly await coming together as Year 12 in September.
We have developed our sixth form page on our website to communicate with you about getting ready for September. Please make sure you check the website every week as we will be placing key information about next year, learning resources to support your future studies and links to activities to develop your skills and understanding of the Higher Education process.
The two very exciting pieces of information we wanted to let you know is that we are opening up our Sixth Form Scholarship application this week. This is an opportunity to submit an essay and win £500 to support your studies in Year 12, the money will be passed on once you begin your studies in September.
The second exciting news is that we are holding Prom/dinner dance for Year 12 students in September. This will be an opportunity to come together as a new year group and to have a belated celebration for your endless hard work in Year 11 and an opportunity to wear those prom outfits.
If you have any questions or would like more information about starting Year 12 in September 2020 please email us: sixthform@mulberryacademyshoreditch.org
All the best, and remember to keep checking the webpage
Ms Wallace
Head of Sixth Form