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Connect #20: Celebrating a dynamic term across the Mulberry Schools

This term has been one of extraordinary achievements and opportunities for the Mulberry Schools Trust community. Here are some of the key highlights: Global Girl Leading Conference: A transformative event where young leaders from around…
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Connect #19: Summer issue

The latest issue of Connect, the Mulberry Schools Trust newsletter, has arrived! Inside, you’ll find exciting updates, including: Shoulder to Shoulder: Discover the success of our recent Shoulder to Shoulder fundraising event held…

A big TrailFam Congratulations

Congratulations to Titi Hassan, our head boy. Titi has been selected from thousands of young people from across the UK to participate in the Alpine Run Project
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Connect: Issue #18 out now!

Connect #18: Spring issue available now! The latest edition of Connect, the Mulberry Schools Trust newsletter, is here! This issue features exciting news, including: Global Girl Leading New York Study Tour: Read about eight inspiring…

Go Gliding

On Thursday 7th March ten Year 12 students studying STEM subjects attended the British Gliding Association Go Gliding event in Dunstable Gliding Centre.
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Nobel Awards 2024

On Tuesday 6th February we celebrated our annual Nobels awards, recognising and congratulating our students for their hard work and positive attitude to learning in Science, Maths and Computer Science.
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Release of video featuring Sir Lewis Hamilton’s Mulberry STEM Academy visit

We are thrilled to announce the release of an exciting video featuring seven-time Formula One World Champion, Sir Lewis Hamilton, during his visit to Mulberry School for Girls last term. The video showcases Sir Lewis’s engagement with…
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Connect: Issue #17 out now!

We are delighted to share the autumn issue of Connect, the Mulberry Schools Trust newsletter. This issue covers Sir Lewis Hamilton’s visit to our Trust and the brilliant work taking place in our Mulberry STEM Academy and Mulberry Production…

Sir Lewis Hamilton’s inspiring Mulberry STEM Academy visit

On Tuesday 5th December, we had the pleasure  of welcoming seven-time Formula One champion, Sir Lewis Hamilton to Mulberry School for Girls —  a memorable occasion for 1,800 Mulberry Schools Trust students. During his visit,…
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Culture Day

On Friday 21st July the House team organised Culture Day, giving students and staff the opportunity to celebrate the different cultures that make our school such a vibrant and diverse community. The day was fun and packed full of activities…