
Barclays and Clyde & Co deliver leadership workshop

On Wednesday 5th July 2017, banking and law professionals from Barclays and Clyde & Co came into the academy to support a leadership workshop organised by local education charity, Tower Hamlets Education Business Partnership.  Students were shown different types of skills required to make a good leader and they were asked to carry out practical group activities to find out what type of leader they would be.  Within each activity, they had to demonstrate what they had learnt by becoming the leader of their group .  One of the highlights of the event included an amusing activity called ‘the balloon chair’.  Each group were given 25 balloons, asked to build an armchair without legs and nominate a student to sit on the finished product!  Naturally, the activity caused huge entertainment when the balloons began to pop and it was marvellous to see such inventive designs.

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