This week at Mulberry Academy Shoreditch two exciting mathematical themed events take place to develop students’ problem-solving skills, confidence and reasoning skills.

Pi Day

On Tuesday 14th March 2017, the academy will celebrate one of the world’s best loved irrational numbers on Pi Day. So what is Pi?  Pi (π) is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Pi is a constant number, meaning that for all circles of any size, Pi will be the same.  The day will involve students writing Pi-ems in lessons, solving number puzzles and engaging with teachers to solve a larger sequence of problems and demonstrating their memory skills by reciting the digits of Pi during break and lunch times with prizes for the best judged memory champion.  Students will build confidence and organisational skills whilst trying to solve mathematical problems.

The Count on Us Challenge

On Thursday 16th March 2017 approximately 60 students from Year 8 and 9 will be competing in the Mulberry Academy Shoreditch heat for the Jack Petchey Count on Us Challenge. The students will be working on a series of mental arithmetic and problem-solving tasks while improving their team working skills. Students will be completing number and fraction combination problems against the clock, reasoning algebraically to resolve a task and finally they will need to solve geometric problems based on classic shape puzzles in unfamiliar formats. Students will get to compete against each other. The five best performing students across all disciplines will move forward to represent the academy at the London finals with prizes awarded to a broader range of students.