State Street hold an eye-opening workshop for Sixth Form Business students

5 January 2015

On 11 December, Year 12 Business BTEC students had a special visit from Russell Richardson, Project Manager at State Street bank, for a workshop designed to develop their confidence and presentational skills. The event marked the latest in our blossoming partnership with the East London Business Alliance and its Beyond Boundary project, which aims to enhance the opportunities available to young people at MAS and in the local area.

The workshop involved Mr Richardson showing students effective techniques in preparing and delivering presentations confidently and effectively, in both an interview and employment situation. The session also included advice on how potential employers may view a candidate’s social media profile as part of the recruitment process, which proved to be a hugely informative experience for many of the students.

The students were visibly enthused by the session, speaking positively of the ways it helped them develop, and expressing a desire to put their new skills into practice at a future session. Mr Richardson was also impressed by the students and the academy in general:

“I find your approach to delivering the best possible education to students at MAS extremely inspiring and the way that you work with us and others to source materials and experiences that would ordinarily not be available to the students can only benefit them in the long term.”

Well done to all the students who took part, and we look forward to providing further enriching experiences to all of our students in the coming weeks and months.