
International Women’s Day at MAS

On Thursday 8th March 2018, the academy proudly wore their stickers of mauve to celebrate the 109th International Women’s Day. Assemblies were held during the week to commemorate the occasion, as well as informative Tutor time activities.  A video booth was established in The Street so that students could record a vox pop about a woman that inspired them and why.  Three year 7 students were chosen to represent the academy and their inspirational statements can be viewed below.

That same afternoon, a group of girls from a range of year groups were invited to attend Mulberry School for Girls to hear an address by Cressida Dick, CBE, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police London.  The Commissioner spoke about her successful career and experiences of being a female within the Met.  The students also heard from Tor Garnett, the co-founder of Police Now, who spoke passionately about her many roles within the Met and some of the positive changes that have been made that support women today.