On Thursday 8th June 2017, students in Years 7-10, will be involved in MAS’s very own General Election to support student engagement with the political process.  This is one of the most important General Elections of our time involving huge issues that permeate our everyday lives.  Students will be issued with a ballot card each and given the opportunity to cast a vote on which party they would like to see in charge of the country for the next 5 years; mimicking the real life event.

During election week, Student Election Officers will be available at break and lunch times to create opportunities for debate and to help students to understand the different manifesto pledges. They will also visit tutor groups during form time; disseminating information to enable ‘the electorate’ to make the most informed decision that they can.

Student Election Officers will also be involved in the counting and evaluation of the MAS and national results, which they plan to share across the academy on Friday 9th June 2017.

All in all, the MAS General Election 2017 is set to be a stimulating and thrilling event.

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